Many 2 year olds are entitled to free childcare, but parents are unaware of this huge benefit from the Government.
Just follow the link and scan the QR code for further details.
Many 2 year olds are entitled to free childcare, but parents are unaware of this huge benefit from the Government.
Just follow the link and scan the QR code for further details.
Welcome to Priorslee Pre-School
Fire Inspection
We were visited and inspected by Shropshire Fire and Rescue Service on 4th December 2024, the report stating that we “have demonstrated a good level of fire safety.”
Hand, Foot and Mouth Disease
Hand, Foot and Mouth Disease is running rampant in the local area, and is highly transmitted through both the air and by contact. It causes great discomfort to children through mouth ulcers and sores that make it uncomfortable to eat and drink for up to 10 days. Although the Government policy states that children cannot be excluded from attending the setting if they have this disease, we would ask that you consider other families if your children develops the first symptom, which is a high temperature that cannot be reduced without medication. The child remains contagious until this temperature goes down on its own, even though the blisters may still be present on the hands and/or a rash on the body.
Dates For Your Diary
We break up on Friday 11th April 2025 and return on Monday 28th April 2025.
Monday 5th May 2025 is a P.D. day, and we will be closed.
Providing packed lunches for children
As a Pre-School we do not provide catering services to children, and so rely on parents to provide us with healthy packed lunches that their children will eat, and to vary the content so that the children continue to have the energy necessary to complete the afternoon session. Our role is to supervise lunch and to encourage the children to eat within a given time frame, as readiness for their transition to school. It is NOT our role to force feed children, and should a child refuse the food provided following a period of encouragement, then this remaining food will be returned to parents in the child’s lunch box. Any food supplied by parents that is deemed by us to be not in the best interest of the child i.e beyond it’s “use before” date or clearly unacceptable to the child due to its’ make-up i.e too dry or uncooked will not be served.
We would remind parents that our children are young and vulnerable, and so any products containing nuts, or nuts themselves, MUST NOT be put in packed lunches, as their presence may affect other children.
Fees may have to increase
Despite the very recent announcement of a local pre-school closing their 2 year old room and withdrawing their offer of places for September 2023 to parents at a time when the Government is extending their offer of free childcare to 2 year olds, thus increasing our demand for places, our charges have remained at £11.00 per session and £24.00 for a full day, including packed lunch supervision. We accept Government funding and there are no top-up fees charged to funded children.
As a registered charity we deem it our responsibility to help parents and guardians through the current financial crisis to the best of our ability, but face rises in the costs of all areas of our business- wages, training, printing, energy, food, cleaning. Should we wish to continue to offer our services at a time when many providers are closing, then it is inevitable that we will have to increase our charges later in 2025, and apologise in advance for this situation.
Welcome to the Tapestry Online Development System
Following lengthy investigation and trials of the online systems available to allow parents to access their individual child’s progress, we have opted to buy into the Tapestry system.
Tapestry builds a very special record of a child’s experiences, development and learning journey through their early years and primary education. Using photos, videos, and diary entries, a teacher or early years educator, along with the child’s parents or carers, and the child themselves if they’re ready, ‘weaves’ the story of the child and how they are growing and developing. The Tapestry platform then works seamlessly to enable these memories to be kept as a permanent record of each child’s unique journey. All information held in the platform is stored securely and can be downloaded and shared as required. Parents or carers are able to view their child’s progress, the activities provided for them, and how much fun they’re having, whilst also uploading their own comments and media.
We are very excited at the level up uptake from our parents/carers, and look forward to receiving positive feedback in due course. We have, however, noticed an increase in the number of parents failing to renew their registration details, and would point out that parent participation in the scheme is crucial to its’ success.
If you have not already registered, or have let your registration lapse PLEASE see us to create a user account to monitor your child’s progress and see the activities they take part in.
Telford and Wrekin Safeguarding Partnership
For full information and local support available for cases of domestic abuse, exploitation, neglect or sexual assault please visit
We are sure you are all aware of the continuing circulation of a variety of worrying viruses, posing varying levels of discomfort and severity of illness- not least Covid-19, which is on the rise again. We insist on our handwashing routines with the children- after toileting, messy play and before any food is consumed. This is the only way we can all keep the spread of viruses, including Covid-19, at bay. We depend on you, whether it’s before or after hours, at weekends or on half term breaks, to keep your children in the habit of good hygiene. PLEASE support us in our endeavors to keep us all, but especially the elderly and the vulnerable, safe this year.
OUR choice for YOUR Safety
Despite the relaxation of Covid rules we are very well aware of the rise in cases and the potential for an explosive outbreak once the temperature drops and stays at cold Winter temperatures. We still ask that only one parent/guardian brings a child into the setting, to use the one way system we have introduced, queueing at a safe two metre distance down the path, until called forward, one at a time, to the entrance, then leaving your child’s coat and bag on their allocated peg in the hallway. If you would then sanitise both yours and your child’s hands at the main hall entrance, using the touch-free hand sanitiser pumps provided before leaving your child with a key worker in the main room. Exit is then out of the double back doors and across the soft play area and out of the gate.
If you have any questions, concerns or issues please see Sheila, Stacey, Aimee, Trinity, John or Laura and they will endeavor to answer your questions and find a solution to an issue as swiftly as possible. We are still operating our ‘Open Door’ policy, so please communicate with the staff on every level.
Themes and Dates for 2025
Our main theme for this half term is “Springtime”.
Our supporting theme is “Oral Health”.
w/c 24th February- Signs of Springtime
1st March 2025- St. David’s Day
w/c 3rd March – Learning our senses
4th March 2025- Shrove Tuesday
6th March 2025- World Book Day
w/c 10th March – Science Week
w/c 17th March- Oral Health Week
w/c 24th March- All About Mum
30th March 2025- Mother’s Day
w/c 31st March- Art Week
w/c 7th April- Easter
OFSTED visit- rated “GOOD”
Our latest OFSTED visit was on Tuesday 28th February 2023. As a setting, we were absolutely delighted with the outcome of the report which states that our provision is still rated as “GOOD“. The staff and the Voluntary Management Committee (VMC) work extremely hard to improve and enhance the quality of the service we provide to your children and we strongly believe that this report reflects that.
The full inspection report is available to view on the Ofsted website:
However, below are the main findings of the visit:
Breakfast/After School Club
Due to low demand we have discontinued offering the service, but if you need your child to have an earlier start than 8:55 please speak to Sheila or Aimee.
Hiring of the Hall
Please note that the Community Centre is normally available for you to hire out for children’s parties or any other celebration(maximum capacity of 30), but we have stopped this temporarily due to the transmission of Covid19, Hand, Foot and Mouth and other easily transmittable viruses. Please see Sheila for any other information.
‘Uniform Bundle’
We are offering a special offer for uniform, where you can purchase a ‘Uniform Bundle’ for just £15.00. This is for a polo shirt and a sweat shirt, both featuring our unique logo. This offer saves almost £5.00 on the usual combined individual prices!!
Dropping off time!!
Just a reminder that if you need to discuss any confidential information/concerns regarding your child’s development or any issues they may have developed during the pandemic with a member of staff, all parents and carers are free to chat to Sheila, Aimee, Stacey or Trinity in the little room.
Please remember that Pre-School is a stepping stone to prepare your child for school. Teaching children to be independent (such as putting on their own coats and eating their lunch independently and within a reasonable time frame) is a large part of this. We would ask you to support this in your own way by bringing them to start their sessions on time, exactly as they have to start their school day on time.
Birth certificate reminder
Can any parents who have not done so already, please supply Pre-School with a copy of their child’s birth certificate as this is required for claiming funding from the local authority.
Thank you.
Fees reminder
We would like to remind you that all fees should be paid by the 1st of each month or the date indicated on your invoice.
Many thanks.
Health And Safety
Car Parking
Could you please park on the Doctors/Dentist car park (the car park outside the Community Centre is for staff only) when dropping off and collecting your children. Could you please then walk down to Pre- School using the footpath provided, thus avoiding any accidents that could occur by walking across the car park.
Medication Policy
We would like to advise all parents that Pre-School staff are only permitted to administer medication if we have written consent on the day or, if your child becomes ill at Pre-School, then we need verbal consent over the telephone before we administer.
Additionally, can all parents make sure that any prescribed medication required is placed in it’s own box ( in a lunchbox or similar is fine) with your child’s name on it, then given to a member of staff along with a completed ‘Medication Form’.
Appropriate Clothing
Could you please make sure that your child comes with the appropriate clothing and footwear. If bringing them in wellingtons, can you please ensure you bring shoes or trainers for them to change into for indoor sessions.
Thank you!
Key Person
The name of your child’s key person is on the notice board in the hallway. We operate an ‘Open Door’ policy, where you can make an appointment with you child’s key person to discuss any concerns that you may have with their progress and development at any time to suit.
Named Items
Could parents please make sure that ALL items such as coats, hats, bags and lunch boxes have your child’s name on them.
Thank you.
Could children please leave their toys at home and not bring them into Pre-School, as they can easily be mislaid amongst our toys and this often results in an upset child? We are having very few soft furnishings or soft toys in the setting, due to potential virus transmission, so please bear this in mind. Also necklaces can be dangerous if pulled by another child, so could these and bracelets also be left at home.
Thank you.
Spare Clothes
If you have any unwanted clothes that your child has outgrown, we would be very grateful to receive any donations to cater for those “little accidents”.
When your child has been sick could you please not send them to Pre-School for at least 48 hours, until completely recovered.
Thank you.
Extra Sessions
If you require any extra sessions at any time, please speak to a member of staff.
Many Thanks.