Our Day

Priorslee Pre-School Daily Routine

08.55 am or 12.15pm

Staff welcome children and parents/carers. The children then self register, placing their name cards on the key person board. We have group time, discussing  such subjects as the weather, numbers, shapes, colours or some news that the children would like to share with their friends.

09.15-9.30am or 12.35-12.50pm (approx.)

Adult Led Activity. Here children are encouraged to undertake tasks planned by their key person  in order to help with their development using the EYFS  (Early Years Foundation Stage) ages and stages guidelines. These observations are recorded with various pieces of evidence in the children’s Learning Journey where their progress can be tracked.

9.30 am or 12.50pm

Child Initiated Play – a range of activities are offered each day and the children are encouraged to make their own choices, from the enhanced continuous provisions. Children have the opportunity to develop personal, social  and emotional skills as well as language and mathematical skills, in order to experience science and the arts, to build up concepts and gain knowledge. Playing together co-operatively is always encouraged at Pre-School throughout all activities.

10.30 am or 1.50pm

Tidy up and refreshments – All children are encouraged to help tidy up and sort the toys into the correct labelled boxes. We offer the children a daily variety of fruit and vegetables; a carbohydrate such as toast, crumpets or bread sticks; a protein such as yogurts or cheese, toast and scrambled eggs in the colder weather! The children are offered milk or water to drink.

11.00 am or 2.20pm

Outside play. The children go outside for a minimum of 20 minutes morning and afternoon, longer when the weather permits it, and most of the day in the summer! (We have a fully shaded garden area and soft playground)
11.30 am or 2.50 pm
Letters and Sounds – all children do group activity on the carpet.
11.45 am or 3.05 pm
Story /song time – children return to the carpet area for a story to help develop listening and language skills before they go home.